Monday, June 1, 2009

My Address Here

I know there were some of you who were wanting to send letters or care packages. Here is the address to send items to me:

Amy Sauder
c/o Tim and Christine Huber
2582 Noborito, Tamaku Kawasaki-shi
214-0014 Japan

In the near future me and Hannah will attempt to figure out how to put our pictures on her computer and then on here, so be checking back for pictures. There are pictures of our first out-to-eat experience here, some of the "Life Square" as we call it (where we do all of our shopping and much of our outreach as well), our apartment here, and hopefully tonight I'll also get some pictures of the other missionaries at supper.

Yesterday, we had our first shopping experience in Japan. It was quite fun. Better yet, today me and Hannah found our way back to the grocery store and the 100-yen store (dollar store) and purchased items on our own. Yay for us! We were quite excited with our first step of managing "on our own" since we got here. Made us realize that maybe, just maybe, we can do this.

Tomorrow, we have a breakfast planning meeting with the other missionaries, where we will figure out our general schedule. Thursday we have language lessons and Friday we have our first worship practice. I will be singing on the praise team and Hannah will be playing keyboards. So that is all we know of our schedule so far, but we will find out more tomorrow.

-- Hannah and I will adjust to the foods here quickly (both our taste buds and our stomachs.) We have not been feeling so well lately from the food we're eating. Also for us to be over jetlag quickly.

-- Wisdom in strategy for the planning meeting tomorrow morning (which will be at 6:30pm on monday evening your time.) We will be bouncing back and forth different ideas about outreach, prayer walking, schedules, and everything inbetween.

-- We're having grilled cheese tonight...yay for American food :)

-- We are already picking up on the basics of Japanese. I wouldn't say we're learning quickly necessarily, but it's encouraging that we are learning even without any lessons yet. Maybe me and Hannah can actually learn this stuff before we return home :)
***Random fact about learning Japanese: it is a very nice atmosphere here for learning the language. The Japanese are very encouraging, if you know even one word. They will be excited over any little bit you know. They actually feel bad that they don't know English well. Also, we do not have to worry about tone or exact pronunciation or anything...oddly enough, the Japanese love the American "accent" in their language. So us making mistakes is actually "cool" to them. Weird, but true.